“because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.” Luke 1:78-79 NIV
It is my greatest blessing to have spent the last 22 years in the harvest of my new life. It is awesome to be rise before the dawning of the morning and ask for Wisdom. My daily prayer is my personal relationship with Jesus is intensified so I can relay His tender mercy and help others into the path of peace.
If anyone is going to join me in following the Arisen Son into Heaven, it begins with unshakeable faith. If you need comfort from your suffering, reach out and touch the hem of His garment. This isn’t just for physical healing, it includes any challenge you may be facing, i.e., finances, addiction, broken relationship, etc. It begins by establishing a personal relationship with Him. When you have taken your last breath on Earth, it is just you and Him. Confession to man will not be your ticket to get inside the Gates of Heaven. No act of generosity, compassion or service will get you in. It is belief and having unshakeable Faith that God sent His Son Jesus from Heaven.
As believers, we acknowledge that God created us. This basic understanding is the foundation of our Faith. God is to be praised as the Creator, known by His marvelous order and beauty of His works. He has power to redeem, recreate and regenerate even those buried tightly in the darkness of the world. Our dependence on God is really a moment-by-moment existence that calls us to live lives of devotion and gratitude towards Him. We need to push ourselves through the spiritual grave and into His Light. It is our purpose to help harvest others into Heaven. It is our Seedtime and Harvest.
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22
My seedtime came the moment I raised my right hand, asking Jesus to reign in my heart. This seedtime minute arrived when I finally understood the entrance of Your words into my ears.
My breakthrough moment came on November 13, 1999 at Primera Baptist Church. It came after hearing a powerful message that convinced me to ask Jesus into my heart. I was awakened from a dirt nap as the Pastor’s words entered my ears and galloped into my brain. My brain was like a dry sponge that expanded when the Living Water saturated it. As my brain capacity was enlarged, my forehead wrinkled and seemed to tug on my eyebrows opening my eyes wider so I could take in more Sonlight. My seedtime came as my right hand went up past the spiritual grave to get me out of the smothering darkness.
There was a sweet aroma that surrounded me that special day. I was like a seedling that had just sprouted into the light coming out from a parched, thirsty desert. The smell of the desert after some much-needed reign (rain) is incredible. It is hard to describe the scent of God . . . here is my best attempt. “The scent is like the voice of the desert praising with a parched sound that sends an aroma of gratitude to our Creator.” This favorite spiritual smell I enjoy increases with my exposure to the Sonlight (Word of God).
Lamentations 3: 22-23 tells us we receive new mercies from God every day.
At the start of each day, God shines the Light of the World into those living in the darkness. Each sunrise, each new day is another chance to get it right. When we make a decision to follow Christ, we become a New Creation - The old has gone, the new is here. It does not matter how badly you may have sinned; God loves you and wants you to live in eternity with Him. Choose Jesus and begin your New Life. Immerse yourself in the Living Waters of His Word so Wisdom can enter your heart and Knowledge can refresh your soul.
From the introduction to Golden Walk: Following Wisdom Into Heaven: "It is with complete faith in His promise that I know I will walk before the Lord (Arisen Son) in the Land of the Living. He saved me from being entangled in the darkness of death. Even though I was overcome with confusion and distress, I managed to call upon the name of the Lord." From Romans 10:13, "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved."
Remember, only God can make a heart start beating. Only God can change a stone heart filled with anger and selfishness into one full of the Love of Jesus. (He changed mine in an instant and now I have a heart that sings continuous songs without words.) Only God exhales His Breath of Life into a newborn baby as the infant takes its first breath. Only God inhales (takes back) His Breath of Life when we take our last breath.
Every breath we take on earth is a blessing, every day another page in the book of our earthly life. Live each day so your last chapter has a great ending. That way when we wake up to a New Life on the other side, our first step of our Golden Walk is on the Street of God.
At some point in your life, you will make a choice for your eternity. Make the right choice; that is to be with the Arisen Son with every rising sun . . . FORVEVER! God bless you!
Golden Walk: Following Wisdom Into Heaven can be ordered on Amazon, Xulon Press or at Barnes & Noble. You can also purchase a signed copy at WisdomUnitedLLC.com